................................power is key for development, let us save power,
08 नवंबर, 2007
29 अक्टूबर, 2007
Amendments in the Electricity Act 2003

Amendments in the Electricity Act 2003 by the Electricity (Amendment) Act 2007 (No.26 of 2007).
The Electricity (Amendment) Act 2007, amending various provisions of the Electricity Act 2003, has been published in the Gazette of India on 29.05.2007, a copy of which is enclosed for ready reference.
2. In terms of Sub-section 2 of Section 1 of the above amendment Act 2007, the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, has issued a notification dated 12.06.2007, published on 12.06.2007 in the Gazette of India, a copy of which is also enclosed for reference. As per the said notification, all the amendments brought about by the Electricity (Amendment) Act 2007 in the Principal Act (the Electricity Act 2003) have come into force and effect from 15th June, 2007.
3. In the matter of unauthorized use of electricity and the theft of electricity, substantial amendments have been done in Sections 126, 127, 135, 150, 151, 153 and 154 of the Electricity Act 2003. All concerned officers are hereby advised to take note of the above amendments for necessary action. The other amendments are related to other matters of the Electricity Act 2003.
4. The special features of the amendments relating to unauthorized use of electricity and theft of electricity are as under: -
(1) It is mandatory now under Section-126 that final assessment order has to be passed within 30 days from the date of service of provisional assessment order and that the assessment shall be made for the entire period during which such unauthorized use of electricity has taken place and if, the period during which such unauthorized use of electricity has taken place can not be ascertained, such period shall be limited to a period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of inspection. It may, however, be noted that it is also mandatory now that before passing the final order of assessment, a reasonable opportunity of hearing has to be afforded to such person.
(2) It may be noted that the provision earlier in the Act, that in case the person deposits the assessed amount he shall not be subjected to any further liability or any action by any authority whatsoever, has now been deleted.
(3) The assessment shall now be at twice the tariff instead of one and half times provided earlier.
(4) In the explanation under Section 126, two more items have been added in the definition of ‘unauthorized use of electricity’. The unauthorized use of electricity shall now also include.
i. if the supply is used for the purpose other than for which the uses of electricity was authorized, or
ii. for the premises or areas other than those for which the supply of electricity was authorized.
(5) In Section 127, the person going in appeal against the final order of assessment was earlier required to deposit one-third of the assessed amount which has now been amended to the effect that he will be required to deposit half of the assessed amount.
(6) In Section 135 relating to theft of electricity, amendment has been made in Sub-section 1 (a) to include ‘supplier’ also in addition to licensee. This means there can be a supplier other than licensee from whose line the theft can take place and the person indulging in such act shall be covered under the said Section 135. The effect is that if any person indulges in theft of electricity where a ‘franchisee’ is supplying electricity, such theft has now been included in Section 135 of the Electricity Act 2003.
(7) It may be noted that in Sub-section 1 of Section 135, clauses (d) and (e) have been newly added to cover such person(s) who use electricity through a tampered meter or uses electricity for the purpose other than for which the uses of electricity was authorized to bring them in the ambit of theft of energy.
(8) A new ‘proviso’ has been added in Section 135 which provides that in the event of second and subsequent conviction of a person where the load abstracted, consumed or used (or attempts thereof) exceeds 10 KW, such person shall also be debarred from getting any supply of electricity for a period which shall not be less than 3 months but may extend to two years and shall also be debarred from getting supply of electricity for that period from any other source or generating station. As this provision is applicable on second and subsequent ‘conviction’, this punishment will be awarded by the Special Court.
(9) Under the said Section 135, it may be noted that a new Clause (1 A) has also been added which provides for :-
i. immediate disconnection of supply of electricity by the licensee or supplier on detection of theft,
ii. the supply shall be disconnected by only such officer of the licensee or supplier, as authorized for the purpose by the appropriate Commission or any other officer of the licensee or supplier, of the rank higher than the rank so authorized,
iii, such officer of the licensee or supplier has mandatory obligation to lodge a complaint in writing relating to Commission of such offence in Police Station having jurisdiction within 24 hours from the time of such disconnection, and
iv. the licensee or supplier, on deposit of payment of the assessed amount of electricity charges shall, without prejudice to the obligation to lodge the complaint in Police Station, restore the supply of electricity within 48 hours of such deposit of payment.
(10) In Sub-section 2 of Section 135, “any authorized officer “has been substituted by” any officer of the licensee or supplier, as the case may be, authorized”. This means that the State Govt. may authorize any officer of the licensee or supplier for the purposes of Sub-section 2 of Section-135 relating to entry, search and seizure etc.
(11) A new sub-section 3 has been added in Section 150 to the effect that the licence of the Electrical Contractor, Supervisor or Workers may also be cancelled by the Licensing Authority on abatement if a person is either convicted of any offence under Section 135, 136, 137 or 138 for such abatement.
(12) In Section 151 relating to cognizance of offences punishable under the Electricity Act 2003, besides the complaint in writing by the appropriate Government or appropriate Commission or any of their officers authorized by them or Chief Electrical Inspector or Electrical Inspector of Licensee etc., the Court may also take cognizance of such offences upon a report of a Police Officer under Section 173 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973. Further, a proviso has also been made that a Special Court constituted under Section 153 shall be competent to take cognizance of an offence without the accused being committed to it for trial.
(13) After Section 151, new Sections 151 (A) and 151 (B) have been added relating to powers of Police to investigate and it also provides that an offence punishable under Sections 135 to 140 or Section 150 shall be cognizable and non-bailable.
(14) In Section 153, an amendment has been made to the effect that the offences under Sections 135 to 140 and Section 150 shall also be covered under the jurisdiction of Special Courts. Earlier, the offences under Sections 140 & 150 were not covered. Similarly, Section 154 has also been amended like-wise. Further, there is an amendment in Sub-section 5 of Section 154 to the effect that the Special Courts shall determine the civil liability against the consumer. The earlier provision was that the Special Courts had discretion but now it has become mandatory.
5. What has been stated above are only the special features of the amendments relating to unauthorized use of electricity and theft of energy. It is advised that all concerned officers may go through the amendments very carefully and take appropriate necessary action in the matters of unauthorized use of electricity and theft of electricity.
08 अक्टूबर, 2007
बिजली चोरी _ बिन्दु रूप विवरण
Theft of power ; vigilance & legal aspects
Adll. S.E.Vigilance, M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.,
Importantance of electricity.
Effects of electric theft in national development.
Home work to find out the suspected connections.
Study of MRI,
Study of meter diaries,
Information gathered from electrical contractors & fitters,
Information gathered from call centers,
Night patrolling to find out the highlighted consumers,
Study of pattern of consumption of similar agriculture, rural, urban, industrial consumers,
Inspection of service lines.etc.
Various types of theft
Use of magnets,
Partial theft
Bypassing the meter,
Making meter slow,
Direct theft etc.
Innocent theft (defective meters).
Checking of connection & meter.
Inspection of service line , load
Spot checking of meter by heater load,
Taking load by tong tester, Inspection of meter seals with the help of lance.
Inspection of meter joints by mirror.
How to prepare the Panchnama?
Recording the maximum information provided by consumer,
Recording the consumption pattern,
Details of capacitor , motor ,load etc.,
Taking the signature of the consumer and witnesses.
Other spot activities.
Preparing the spot map,
Ceasing the equipments being used for theft,
Taking the photographs and video shooting,
Taking out the meter for testing if found slow.
Testing of meter at meter testing lab.
Detailed Testing of meter at meter testing lab in presence of the consumer or his representative,
Taking photographs & the video recording of the testing process as witness
Collecting the meter testing report duly signed by consumer.
Provisional bill
Collecting the billing history of the consumer from D.C.
Issuing of the provisional bill according to the MPERC directives and I.E. Act-2003 as per current tariffs.
Assessed units = load*days*hours*factor
Compounding fee as per rule.
Change of purpose & change of premises is treated as theft.
I.E. Act-2003 - Sec 135 theft
I.E. Act-2003 - Sec 126 malpractice
Hearing the consumer and issuing final bill.
Consumer has the right to protest the provisional bill,
The assessing officer will consider consumer’s view as per law & issue the final bill,
If the revised bill is lesser than previous bill then approval is to be taken from controlling authority before issuing the final bill.
Information of payment & Preparation of Parivad Patra.
Collection of information of payment of the bill from D/C.
Preparation of Parivad Patra with all evidences & submission to nodal officer to launch the court case so that we win the case in court of law if payment have not been deposited by consumer in due time.
Daily telephonic report should be given to head office.
Monthly Returns, thefts of more than 10 HP, cases of bill amounting more than Rs. 50,000/-.should be reported ,so that they can be high lighted in news papers & can be considered for awards.
High sprit of the flying squad is must.
Unity amongst the team members, good attitude & high sprit of the flying squad is must since the flying squad act against the culprits every member of the team is keenly observed by public even a small negative point can be highlighted against the squad.
Government is taking theft of electricity with great concern. Legal formation of special courts for electricity thefts, Pre paid metering, spot metering, HVDS distribution system, and franchise etc. are few of the measures being adopted . In overall interest innovative actions are required.
Adll. S.E.Vigilance, M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.,
Importantance of electricity.
Effects of electric theft in national development.
Home work to find out the suspected connections.
Study of MRI,
Study of meter diaries,
Information gathered from electrical contractors & fitters,
Information gathered from call centers,
Night patrolling to find out the highlighted consumers,
Study of pattern of consumption of similar agriculture, rural, urban, industrial consumers,
Inspection of service lines.etc.
Various types of theft
Use of magnets,
Partial theft
Bypassing the meter,
Making meter slow,
Direct theft etc.
Innocent theft (defective meters).
Checking of connection & meter.
Inspection of service line , load
Spot checking of meter by heater load,
Taking load by tong tester, Inspection of meter seals with the help of lance.
Inspection of meter joints by mirror.
How to prepare the Panchnama?
Recording the maximum information provided by consumer,
Recording the consumption pattern,
Details of capacitor , motor ,load etc.,
Taking the signature of the consumer and witnesses.
Other spot activities.
Preparing the spot map,
Ceasing the equipments being used for theft,
Taking the photographs and video shooting,
Taking out the meter for testing if found slow.
Testing of meter at meter testing lab.
Detailed Testing of meter at meter testing lab in presence of the consumer or his representative,
Taking photographs & the video recording of the testing process as witness
Collecting the meter testing report duly signed by consumer.
Provisional bill
Collecting the billing history of the consumer from D.C.
Issuing of the provisional bill according to the MPERC directives and I.E. Act-2003 as per current tariffs.
Assessed units = load*days*hours*factor
Compounding fee as per rule.
Change of purpose & change of premises is treated as theft.
I.E. Act-2003 - Sec 135 theft
I.E. Act-2003 - Sec 126 malpractice
Hearing the consumer and issuing final bill.
Consumer has the right to protest the provisional bill,
The assessing officer will consider consumer’s view as per law & issue the final bill,
If the revised bill is lesser than previous bill then approval is to be taken from controlling authority before issuing the final bill.
Information of payment & Preparation of Parivad Patra.
Collection of information of payment of the bill from D/C.
Preparation of Parivad Patra with all evidences & submission to nodal officer to launch the court case so that we win the case in court of law if payment have not been deposited by consumer in due time.
Daily telephonic report should be given to head office.
Monthly Returns, thefts of more than 10 HP, cases of bill amounting more than Rs. 50,000/-.should be reported ,so that they can be high lighted in news papers & can be considered for awards.
High sprit of the flying squad is must.
Unity amongst the team members, good attitude & high sprit of the flying squad is must since the flying squad act against the culprits every member of the team is keenly observed by public even a small negative point can be highlighted against the squad.
Government is taking theft of electricity with great concern. Legal formation of special courts for electricity thefts, Pre paid metering, spot metering, HVDS distribution system, and franchise etc. are few of the measures being adopted . In overall interest innovative actions are required.
बिजली चोरी तरह तरह से
Few METHODS FOUND,OF PILFERING ELECTRICITY amongst big consumers Different Methods of Meter Tampering
& its Effect on Meter Registration
Tampering the body seals affixed to the meter or replacing the original seals with fake seals
It is done with the purpose to manipulate the internal meter mechanism in order to reduce actual registration to the extent that depends on the nature of tampering
Changing the current coil of meter of the meter i.e replacing it with non std higher sized coils with less number of coil turns
The flux and consequently the driving torque of the disc reduces in proportion to increased coil size and less number of turns, diminishing the meter registration
Shorting the current coils (internally or externally)
Majority of the drawn current is bypassed, through the shunted path and registration goes down considerably
Changing the counter gear of the meter
As the meter disc rotates the correct registration is recorded by a set of gear train, unique for a particular type of meter. When the entire gear assembly of a 3x30/60A meter is replaced with that of a 3x10/20A meter or that of a 3x5/10A meter, registration is lowered by 60% or 80% than actual
Puncturing the pressure coils of the meter
Registration falls by 33.33% when one of pressure coils are punctured, by 66.67% when two such pressure coils are punctured and found totally stopped when all the coils are damaged.
Reversing the incoming and outgoing phase loops of poly phase meter
Registration reduces to 33% when one of the phase loops are reversed, it stops totally when more than one loops are reversed
Drilling a tiny hole at the top or side surface of the meter body and counter gears inside meter are rotated with a wire or a prod.
This is done with a purpose to manipulate the display units which may be altered in the described fashion to reduce the actual advance in registration. The consumer thus gets a total control on meter registration
Drilling a tiny hole at the bottom surface of a meter and inserting a stick through this hole that touches the disc
Under this condition the disc gets jammed and fails to rotate, meter registration which is an effect of disc rotation, stops totally.
Drilling a tiny hole at the back of the meter body and puncturing the pressure coils of meter after making access from back
The registration falls by 33%, 67% or stops totally when one, two or all three coils are punctured
Placing a strong magnet on the meter body or in close vicinity of it
The meter registration is reduced or stopped under the influence of this external magnet as it creates a flux that opposes the disc motion. However, prolonged exposure of a magnet may increase the disc rotation
Injecting extraneous signal (D.C Voltage) after disconnecting incoming neutral to meter
The disc rotation is reduced or totally stopped till the time the meter is under the influence of such signal.
Disconnecting the incoming neutral loop of a single phase meter or reversing the incoming phase and neutral loop of a single phase meter
The registration can be changed as desired and the consumer can bypass a major share of his connected load by means of an external earth and simultaneously installing a changeover switch in the wiring circuit.
Breaking the face glass of the meter and manually stopping the disc from rotating
The registration is nil till the time the disc is refrained from being rotated.
Inserting a photographic film through the gap between the face glass and meter body
The film follows a spiral path and jams the disc and prevents it from rotation
& its Effect on Meter Registration
Tampering the body seals affixed to the meter or replacing the original seals with fake seals
It is done with the purpose to manipulate the internal meter mechanism in order to reduce actual registration to the extent that depends on the nature of tampering
Changing the current coil of meter of the meter i.e replacing it with non std higher sized coils with less number of coil turns
The flux and consequently the driving torque of the disc reduces in proportion to increased coil size and less number of turns, diminishing the meter registration
Shorting the current coils (internally or externally)
Majority of the drawn current is bypassed, through the shunted path and registration goes down considerably
Changing the counter gear of the meter
As the meter disc rotates the correct registration is recorded by a set of gear train, unique for a particular type of meter. When the entire gear assembly of a 3x30/60A meter is replaced with that of a 3x10/20A meter or that of a 3x5/10A meter, registration is lowered by 60% or 80% than actual
Puncturing the pressure coils of the meter
Registration falls by 33.33% when one of pressure coils are punctured, by 66.67% when two such pressure coils are punctured and found totally stopped when all the coils are damaged.
Reversing the incoming and outgoing phase loops of poly phase meter
Registration reduces to 33% when one of the phase loops are reversed, it stops totally when more than one loops are reversed
Drilling a tiny hole at the top or side surface of the meter body and counter gears inside meter are rotated with a wire or a prod.
This is done with a purpose to manipulate the display units which may be altered in the described fashion to reduce the actual advance in registration. The consumer thus gets a total control on meter registration
Drilling a tiny hole at the bottom surface of a meter and inserting a stick through this hole that touches the disc
Under this condition the disc gets jammed and fails to rotate, meter registration which is an effect of disc rotation, stops totally.
Drilling a tiny hole at the back of the meter body and puncturing the pressure coils of meter after making access from back
The registration falls by 33%, 67% or stops totally when one, two or all three coils are punctured
Placing a strong magnet on the meter body or in close vicinity of it
The meter registration is reduced or stopped under the influence of this external magnet as it creates a flux that opposes the disc motion. However, prolonged exposure of a magnet may increase the disc rotation
Injecting extraneous signal (D.C Voltage) after disconnecting incoming neutral to meter
The disc rotation is reduced or totally stopped till the time the meter is under the influence of such signal.
Disconnecting the incoming neutral loop of a single phase meter or reversing the incoming phase and neutral loop of a single phase meter
The registration can be changed as desired and the consumer can bypass a major share of his connected load by means of an external earth and simultaneously installing a changeover switch in the wiring circuit.
Breaking the face glass of the meter and manually stopping the disc from rotating
The registration is nil till the time the disc is refrained from being rotated.
Inserting a photographic film through the gap between the face glass and meter body
The film follows a spiral path and jams the disc and prevents it from rotation
12 जून, 2007
Different Methods of Meter Tampering
& its Effect on Meter Registration
Tampering the body seals affixed to the meter or replacing the original seals with fake seals
It is done with the purpose to manipulate the internal meter mechanism in order to reduce actual registration to the extent that depends on the nature of tampering
Changing the current coil of meter of the meter i.e replacing it with non std higher sized coils with less number of coil turns
The flux and consequently the driving torque of the disc reduces in proportion to increased coil size and less number of turns, diminishing the meter registration
Shorting the current coils (internally or externally)
Majority of the drawn current is bypassed, through the shunted path and registration goes down considerably
Changing the counter gear of the meter
As the meter disc rotates the correct registration is recorded by a set of gear train, unique for a particular type of meter. When the entire gear assembly of a 3x30/60A meter is replaced with that of a 3x10/20A meter or that of a 3x5/10A meter, registration is lowered by 60% or 80% than actual
Puncturing the pressure coils of the meter
Registration falls by 33.33% when one of pressure coils are punctured, by 66.67% when two such pressure coils are punctured and found totally stopped when all the coils are damaged.
Reversing the incoming and outgoing phase loops of poly phase meter
Registration reduces to 33% when one of the phase loops are reversed, it stops totally when more than one loops are reversed
Drilling a tiny hole at the top or side surface of the meter body and counter gears inside meter are rotated with a wire or a prod.
This is done with a purpose to manipulate the display units which may be altered in the described fashion to reduce the actual advance in registration. The consumer thus gets a total control on meter registration
Drilling a tiny hole at the bottom surface of a meter and inserting a stick through this hole that touches the disc
Under this condition the disc gets jammed and fails to rotate, meter registration which is an effect of disc rotation, stops totally.
Drilling a tiny hole at the back of the meter body and puncturing the pressure coils of meter after making access from back
The registration falls by 33%, 67% or stops totally when one, two or all three coils are punctured
Placing a strong magnet on the meter body or in close vicinity of it
The meter registration is reduced or stopped under the influence of this external magnet as it creates a flux that opposes the disc motion. However, prolonged exposure of a magnet may increase the disc rotation
Injecting extraneous signal (D.C Voltage) after disconnecting incoming neutral to meter
The disc rotation is reduced or totally stopped till the time the meter is under the influence of such signal.
Disconnecting the incoming neutral loop of a single phase meter or reversing the incoming phase and neutral loop of a single phase meter
The registration can be changed as desired and the consumer can bypass a major share of his connected load by means of an external earth and simultaneously installing a changeover switch in the wiring circuit.
Breaking the face glass of the meter and manually stopping the disc from rotating
The registration is nil till the time the disc is refrained from being rotated.
Inserting a photographic film through the gap between the face glass and meter body
The film follows a spiral path and jams the disc and prevents it from rotation
06 जून, 2007
जरूरी है बिजली चोरी के विरूद्ध जन जागरण

जरूरी है बिजली चोरी के विरूद्ध जन जागरण
इंजी. विवेक रंजन श्रीवास्तव
अतिरिक्त अधीक्छण इंजी. सर्तकता
म.प्र.राज्य विद्युत मण्डल , मण्डला
विवेक सदन , नर्मदा गंज , मण्डला
म.प्र. भारत पिन ४८१६६१
फोन ०७६४२ २५००६८ ,
मोबाइल ९१ ९४२५१६३९५२
visit my web page http//
॰॰॰॰॰॰॰॰लेखक सामाजिक कार्यो हेतु राज्यपाल महोदय द्वारा रेड एण्ड व्हाईट पुरुस्कार से सम्मानित हैं॓॰॰॰॰॰॰॰॰
चपला , चंचला ,द्रुतगामिनी , विद्युत ,को हमने आसमान से धरती पर क्या उतारा बिजली ने इंसान की समूची जीवन शैली ही बदल दी . बिजली के प्रकाश में रातें भी दिन मेँ परिर्वतित सी हो गई हैं . सोते जागते , रात दिन , प्रत्यक्छ या परोक्छ , हम सब आज बिजली पर आश्रित हैं . प्रकाश , ऊर्जा ,शीतलीकरण, गति, मशीनों के लिये ईंधन ,प्रत्येक कार्य के लिये एक बटन सबाते ही ,बिजली अपना रूप बदलकर तुरंत आपकी सेवा में हाजिर हो जाती है .
प्रति व्यक्ति बिजली की खपत विकास का मापदण्ड बन गया है . यदि आज कुछ शत प्रतिशत शुद्ध है तो वह बिजली ही है . वर्तमान उपभोक्ता प्रधान युग में अभी भी यदि कुछ मोनोपाली सप्लाई मार्केट में है तो वह भी बिजली ही है . बिजली की मांग ज्यादा और उपलब्धता कम है . बिजली को बडे व्यवसायिक स्तर पर भण्डारण करके नहीं रखा जा सकता . इसका उत्पादन व उपभोग साथ साथ ही होता है . शाम के समय जब सारे देश में एक साथ प्रकाश के लिये बिजली का उपयोग बढ़ता है , मांग व आपूर्ति का अंतर सबसे ज्यादा हो जाता है . तब पनबिजली का उत्पादन ,जिसे त्वरित रूप से बढ़ाया घटाया जा सकता है , उसे बढ़ाकर उपभोक्ताओं की सेवा में, इस अंतर को कम करने के लिये विद्युत कर्मी जुटे रहते हैं .
आज समय की मांग है कि सामाजिक संस्थायें जनजागरण कर ऐसा वातावरण बनायें कि हममें से जिन लोगों के पास जनरेटर , इनवर्टर आदि विद्युत उपकरण हैं वे शाम के पीकिंग अवर्स में बिना हानि लाभ की गणना किये उनका पूरा उपयोग करें . इस समय हम सबको न्यूनतम विद्युत उपकरणों का प्रयोग करना चाहिये . बूंद बूंद से ही घट भरता है .बिजली बिल जमा करने मात्र से हम इसके दुरुपयोग करने के अधिकारी नहीं बन जाते , क्योंकि अब तक बिजली की दरें सब्सिडी आधारित हैं . हमारे देश में बिजली का उत्पादन मुख्य रूप से ताप विद्युत गृहों से होता है, जिनमें कोयले को ईंधन के रूप में प्रयुक्त किया जाता है ,और कोयले के भण्डार सीमित हैं .
बिजली उत्पादन का दूसरा बडा तरीका बांध बनाकर , जल संग्रहण कर पानी की स्थितिज ऊर्जा को विद्युत में बदलना है .परमाणु विद्युत , अपारम्परिक ऊर्जा स्त्रोतों जैसे सौर्य ऊर्जा , विंड पावर, टाइडल पावर आदि से भी व्यवसायिक विद्युत के उत्पादन के व्यापक प्रयास हो रहे हैं .
राजनैतिक कारणों से बिना दूरदर्शी दृष्तटकोण अपनाये १९९० के दशक में कुछ राजनेताओं ने खुले हाथों मुफ्त बिजली बांटी . इसका दुष्परिणाम यह हुआ कि एक समूची पीढ़ी को मुफ्त विद्युत उपयोग की आदत पड गई है . लोग बिजली को हवा , पानी की तरह ही मुफ्त का माल समझने लगे हैं . विद्युत प्रणाली के साथ बुफे डिनर सा मनमाना व्यवहार होने लगा है . जिसे जब जहाँ जरूरत हुई स्वयं ही लंगर ,हुक ,आंकडा डालकर तार जोड कर लोग अपना काम निकालने में माहिर हो गये हैं . खेतों में पम्प , थ्रेशर गावों में घरों में उजाले के लिये , सामाजिक , धार्मिक आयोजनों , निर्माण कार्यों के लिये अवैधानिक कनेक्शन से विद्युत के उपयोग को सामाजिक मान्यता मिल चुकी है . ऐसा करने में लोगों को अपराध बोध नहीं होता . यह दुखद स्थिति है .
बिजली घर से उपयोग स्थल तक बिजली के सफर में यह स्टेप अप ट्रांसफारमर , अतिउच्चदाब बिजली की लाइनों , उपकेंद्रों में स्टेप डाउन होते हुये निम्नदाब बिजली लाइनों पर सवार होकर आप तक पहुँचती है . नये परिदृश्य में देश के बिजली बोर्डों को उत्पादन ,पारेषण , व वितरण कम्पनियों में विखण्डित कर बेहतर बिजली व्यवस्था बनाने के प्रयास जारी हैं . हमारी संवैधानिक व्यवस्था के अनुसार बिजली केंद्र व राज्य की संयुक्त व्यवस्था का विषय है .
विद्युत प्रदाय अधिनियम १९१० व १९४८ को एकीकृत कर संशोधित करते हुये वर्ष २००३ में एक नया कानून विद्युत अधिनियम के रूप में लागू किया गया है . इसके पीछे आधार भूत सोच बिजली कम्पनियों को ज्यादा जबाबदेह , उपभोक्ता उन्मुखी , स्पर्धात्मक बनाकर , वैश्विक वित्त संस्थाओं से ॠण लेकर बिजली के छेत्र में निवेश बढ़ाना है .
रोटी ,कपडा व मकान जिस तरह जीवन के लिये आधारभूत आवश्यकतायें हैं , उसी तरह बिजली , पानी ,व संचार अर्थात सडक व कम्युनिकेशन देश के औद्योगिक विकास की मूलभूत इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चरल जरूरतें है . इन तीनों में भी बिजली की उपलब्धता आज सबसे महत्व पूर्ण है . उत्पादन के स्तर से उपभोग तक तकनीकी दछता ५० प्रतिशत है , इसका मतलब एक यूनिट बिजली चोरी रोक पाने का अर्थ २ यूनिट बिजली का उत्पादन है .
नये विद्युत अधिनियम के अनुसार विद्युत नियामक आयोग राज्य स्तर पर विद्युत उपभोग की दरें तय कर रहे हैं . ये दरें शुद्ध व्यवसायिक आकलन पर आधारित न होकर कृषि , घरेलू , व्यवसायिक , औद्योगिक आदि अलग अलग उपभोक्ता वर्गों हेतु विभिन्न नीतियों के आधार पर तय की जाती हैं . विद्युत उत्पादन हेतु प्रकृतिदत्त कोयले के भण्डार तेजी से प्रयुक्त हो रहे हैं , ताप विद्युत गृह से होता प्रदूषण , या पनबिजली के लिये बनाये गये बांधों से जंगलों के डूबने से पर्यावरण को जो अपूरणीय छति हो रही है , उसके चलते बिजली का दुरुपयोग सामाजिक अपराध निरूपित किया जा सकता है .
ऐसी स्थिति में बिजली चोरी कितना संगीन अपराध है , यह समझना बहुत सरल है . बिजली के मुफ्त उपयोग को बढ़ावा देकर , दी गई सुविधायें वापस लेने के नियम तो सरकारों ने बिजली व्यवस्था के सुधार हेतु बना दिये हैं पर अब तक बिजली चोरी के विरूद्ध कोई बडा जन शिक्छा अभियान किसी ने नहीं चलाया है . सर्व शिक्छा अभियान , पल्स पोलियो , आयोडीन नमक , एड्स , परिवार नियोजन , भूजल संवर्धन आदि राष्टीय कार्यक्रमों के लिये व्यापक जन जागरण , रैली , विग्यापन , भाषण , लेख , फिल्म आदि द्वारा जनचेतना जगाने के प्रयास हम सब ने देखे हैं . इनका महत्व निर्विवाद है .
वर्तमान परिदृश्य में अनिवार्य आवश्यकता है कि बिजली चोरी के विरुद्ध भी गांव गांव , शहर शहर , स्कूल कालेज , समाज के प्रत्येक स्तर पर बृहद आयोजन हों . आम आदमी के मन में बिजली चोरी को एक सामाजिक अपराध के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित किया जावे . इस कार्य के लिये गैर शासकीय सामाजिक संस्थाओं की भागीदारी भी तय की जानी चाहिये .
केवल कानून बना देने से , और उसके सीधे इस्तेमाल से बिजली चोरी की विकराल समस्या हल नहीं हो सकती . कानूनी रूप से तो भीख मांगना भी अपराध है पर स्वयं न्यायालयों के सामने ही भिखारियों को सहजता से देखा जा सकता है . हमारे जैसे लोकतांत्रिक जन कल्याणी देश में वही कानून प्रभावी हो सकता है जिसे जन समर्थन प्राप्त हो .
आंध्रप्रदेश के मुख्य मंत्री चँद्रबाबू नायडु ने ढ़ृड इच्छा शक्ति से बिजली चोरी के विरूद्ध देश में सर्व प्रथम कशे कदम उठाये पर इससे किंचित बिजली चोरी भले ही रुकी हो पर उन्हें सत्ता गंवानी पडी . मध्य प्रदेश सहित प्रायः राज्यों में विद्युत वितरण कम्पनियों ने विद्युत अधिनियम २००३ की धारा १३५ के अंर्तगत बिजली चोरी के अपराध कायम करने के लिये उडनदस्तों का गठन किया है . पर विभिन्न शासकीय सीमाओं के चलते , इन दलों में विशेष बिजली चोरी रोकने के विशेषग्यों की नई भर्ती की अपेछा कम्पनी में ही अन्य कार्यों में कार्यरत कर्मचारियों का उपयोग किया जा रहा है .किसी और कार्य में दछ कर्मचारियों से , बेमन से , विवशता में उडनदस्ता कार्य करवाये जाने से अनुकूल परिणाम नहीं मिल पा रहे हैं .बिजली चोरी पर जन शिछा के अभाव में इन उडनदस्तों को जगह जगह नागरिकों के गहन प्रतिरोध का सामना करना पड रहा है .मारपीट , गाली गलौच , झूठे आरोप एक आम समस्या है .
बिजली चोरी के खिलाफ जन जागरण से बिजली चोरी करते हुये भी लोग एक दूसरे से वैसे ही डरेंगे जैसे अन्य किसी चोरी के प्रति उनमें अपराध भाव होता है . ऐसा सामाजिक वातावरण बन जाने पर लोग बिजली चोरी करने वाले को हिकारत की दृष्टि से देखेंगे . तब बिजली चोरी रोकने में लगे अमले को जन सहयोग मिल सकेगा .
बिजली देश के विकास की सतत प्रवाही ऊर्जा है . बिजली लिंग , जाति , धर्म , राज्य , प्रत्येक कुत्सित सीमा से परे सबके प्रति समदर्शी है . इसका मितव्ययी , विवेक पूर्ण , सदुपयोग समय की जरूरत है . आइये बिजली चोरी के विरूद्ध जनजागरण में अपना योगदान दें . बच्चों के पाठ्यक्रम में इस विषय पर सामग्री शामिल की जानी चाहिये . अशासकीय समाजसेवी संस्थायें बिजली को अपना विषय बनायें . केंद्र व राज्यों की उत्पादन ,पारेषण ,वितरण से जुडी सभी संस्थायें , ब्यूरो आफ इनर्जी एफिसियेंशी आदि संस्थान बिजली चोरी के विरुद्ध ठोस ,रचनात्मक ,जागरूखता अभियान मीडिया के माध्यम से प्रारंभ करें . पहले लोगों को बिजली चोरी कानून की पूरी जानकारी दी जाये , तभी उसके परिपालन की प्रभावी कार्यवाही हो सकती है .
इंजी. विवेक रंजन श्रीवास्तव
अतिरिक्त अधीक्छण इंजी. सर्तकता
म.प्र.राज्य विद्युत मण्डल , मण्डला
सचिव , विकास (पंजीकृत सामाजिक संस्था, पंजीकरण क्रमांक j m 7014 dt. 14.08.2003 )
विवेक सदन , नर्मदा गंज , मण्डला
म.प्र. भारत पिन ४८१६६१
फोन ०७६४२ २५००६८ ,
मोबाइल ९१ ९४२५१६३९५२
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बिजली चोरी के विरुद्ध आपका सहयोग , सुझाव सादर आमंत्रित हैं
बिजली चोरी समूचे विकास तंत्र को खोखला कर रही है .
बिजली चोरी के प्रकरणों में लोक अदालतें बडी भूमिका निभा सकती हैं .
बिजली चोरी रोकने में महिलाओं की भूमिका बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है , क्योंकि घरों पर आचरण , चरित्र , व चोरी की बिजली के उपयोग के विरुद्ध धार्मिकता जन जागरण का विषय है .
समुदाय विशेष के लोग प्रायः एक ही बस्ती में रहते हैं , वे महिलाओं के पर्दे की आड लेकर उडनदस्ता टीमो को चैकिंग ही नही करने देते ,व व्यापक बिजली चोरी करते हैं . हैदराबाद में यह सिद्ध हो चुका है . अतः ऐसे प्रकरणों में अप्रिय कटुता से बचने के लिये व्यापक स्तर पर कदम उठाने की जरूरत है .
सावधान !बिजली चोरी की कानूनी सामान्य सजा , १ वर्ष की अनुमानित खपत का दुगना बिल है . साथ ही अपराधिक जबाबदेही के तहत कम्पाउंडिंग शुल्क व जेल की सजा का प्रावधान भी है .
बिजली के मीटर तकनीकी कारणों से फोन के मीटर की तरह एक ही स्थल पर नहीं लगाये जा सकते , वे उपभोक्ता के परिसर में लगाये जाते हैं , समय के साथ उपभोक्ता भवन में अतिरिक्त निर्माण कर डालता है , जिससे बिजली के मीटर घरों के भीतर बिजली कर्मचारियों की सहज पहुँच से बाहर हो जाते हैं . यह गलत है . इसके विरुद्ध कानून बनाये जाने की जरूरत है .
सामान्य रूप से मीटर की टर्मिनल सील उपभोक्ता तोड लेते हैं , इस पर कानूनी व्यवस्था जरूरी है .
बिजली के मीटर घर के एकदम बाहर हों , उनमें इनकमिंग तार बोर्ड के बाहर से मीटर में आयें . सर्विस लाइन बिना जोड की हो यह उपभोक्ता की जबाबदारी होनी चाहिये .
बिजली चोरी रोकने के लिये पुलिस का हस्तछेप जरूरी है , क्योंकि चोर पुलिस से डरता है न कि इंजीनियर्स से.
बिजली बिल से बचने के लिये बिजली चोरी करने की अपेछा इनर्जी आडिट करें . प्रकाश हेतु सी.एफ.एल. , आई. एस .आई. उपकरणों के उपयोग से बिना बिल बढ़ाये , बिना सुविधायें घटाये आप बेहतर प्रबंधन से मितव्ययी तरीके से बिजली का उपयोग कर सकते हैं .
अनेक सुसंपन्न लोगों के नाम भी आंशिक बिजली चोरी के प्रकरणों में दर्ज हैं जो इस बात का द्योतक है कि बिजली चोरी के विरुद्ध व्यापक कार्य किये जाने की आवश्यकता है .
इंजी. विवेक रंजन श्रीवास्तव
सचिव , विकास (पंजीकृत सामाजिक संस्था, पंजीकरण क्रमांक j m 7014 dt. 14.08.2003 )
बिजली चोरी के विरुद्ध आपका सहयोग , सुझाव सादर आमंत्रित हैं . बिजली चोरी की सूचना देकर इस महायग्य में अपनी आहुती दें .
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